Impossible to actually sit and play without spending money – Age of Empires: Castle Siege Review

If you want to actually sit and play a game for 20 minutes to an hour, do not get this game. You cannot play without paying money unless you want to play for a few minutes and then wait several hours, come back and play for a few minutes, and repeat. Everything, and I mean everything costs money. Want to build something? You need resources. Then when you have too many buildings being built you have to pay to finish them before you can build more, or wait as much as 3 days to wait for them to finish. Then many of the things you want to build cost so many resources that when you're trying to save up for them you just get looted by other players and can never get there. If you want to build an army, you'll either have to wait for it to build it (mine currently takes 1 hour per battle) or pay cash for it to happen instantly. So you either wait for a long time between battles or you pay them. I've played dozens and dozens of apps and have never ever seen one that required so many in-app purchases to just be able to have seamless play. When I want to play, I want to play. I don't want to have to come back every couple hours to play for a few minutes.
Review by Anonymous19811050 on Age of Empires: Castle Siege.

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