No sense, no rhythm, no prediction, no skill, only luck. Not fun. Don't recommend. – Space Adventure - Frozen Time Review

Apart from the simplistic design that is so prevalent in today's apps, Space Adventure has a difficulty level higher than most would consider appealing. The game is based purely on luck, as if pressing and holding your finger on the screen to "slow down" time was a gimmick enough. Doing so decreases the speed of your ship AND the speed of the moving bars, yeah, that's what they intended to happen. But it doesn't change the outcome. Running hundreds of tests with and without pressing the screen between the first ten bars, results in a largely one-sided statistic of a high level average of 2. That means more often than not you hit the first bar REGARDLESS OF SLOWING DOWN TIME OR NOT. There's zero skill involved- the game is simply too rudimentary and unfinished to really provide an appealing "play for hours" prospect. Unless you enjoy failing before 20 seconds every time. Then by all means waste your life away on this depressing piece of space JUNK.
Review by Skidmarkmania on Space Adventure - Frozen Time.

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