Ad Overload! – Bird Mini Golf - Freestyle Fun Review

There are many issues with this game. What is the reason for changing the method of launching the bird? The first way is much easier to use; the second is awkward and inaccurate. Banking is not possible. When enough power is added to maybe bank somewhat, the bird flies off the course. There are no par indicators to let you know the level to beat. What is the reason for the coins? In most levels, they don't even line up with the appropriate path. And, most annoying, there are video ads between EVERY level! Plus, there is no way to stop them. The also is no option to purchase the game to eliminate those annoying ads! I am deleting the app. Sorry.
Review by Bored Retiree on Bird Mini Golf - Freestyle Fun.

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Ad Overload!
Bored Retiree
