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Stagehand brings the Roscolux, Apollo, and Lee swatch books to your iOS device! Gels viewable by their swatch book, or all together sorted by hue to find the perfect color without worrying about manufacturer. Each gel is complete with manufacturer information including transmission and description, as well as displaying their color values in both 'Red-Green-Blue' and 'Hue-Saturation-Brightness' color values for intelligent lighting.
Category Price Seller Device
Reference Free Patrick Angle iPhone, iPad, iPod

The entire collection of gels in Stagehand is searchable not only by its name, number, and description, but also by color with the built-in color search that allows you to select a color a full-color wheel and see the closest matches to the selected color.


Super nifty

Great for when you don't have a swatch book on you! If only it had Gam and Lee too...!

Super helpful

This is great and convenient. Thanks for this useful app!

Missing Swatches

Would get five stars if it had the rest of the swatches (e.g. diffusion) and added Lee. Still useful for a free app.

Solid 3 stars

Free app - basic swatch book functionality but nothing fancy.

Was a useful app
Dalamar the Dark

They have removed what made this app a cut above the rest. The ability to swipe between gels and the ability to full screen the color. Now with the 1/4 to 1/2 circle of color, this app is just a generic color app and of little to no use. The white back ground washes out color. Before the black and brown gave a bit of the color you see more often on stage and therefore allowed you to see better how the color might look. This now feels like I'm looking at paint colors rather than gel colors.

Love this app!

The new interface looks great! I just miss the ability to save a gel color as a picture or the option to be able to wash the screen in that color within the app. Other than that, this app is very useful.

5 Stars For What it Is

An incredibly beautiful app with a good amount of gels to search through. This is why I believe the current version is a 5 star app. However I wish a few things were added/changed, such as: 1) Either change the name or add more general lighting design/master electrician tools. It currently is not a "stagehand" as much as a swatch book - but this is okay if it is labeled as such. 2) Add more gels! What you have is currently fine, but could certainly be greatly expanded! Overall, an informative and helpful app that I wish I had found sooner!

Awesome for students
Yay shoes

Really great app for trying to find the right gel number/name. Would love to have a feature where you could save/fav a gel you use often and maybe label it as to what it's used for like red wash, catwalk cool, etc. Great for my students to have on hand with them. Love it.

Update Crashes

App closes as it opens. Please fix, loved this app before the update:(

New update does not work.

The app opens and closes immediately after the new update. I have an iPhone 5S with the latest iOS update as well. Please fix this problem.

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