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Real Superpowers

Did you know that humans actually can have superpowers?
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Entertainment Free Sean Gohara iPhone, iPad, iPod

The powers we can have are not x-ray vision, or telekinesis, but they are still extremely powerful. In Real Superpowers you will be guided through an in-depth introduction to the following real abilities:

Mind Control: How to use the strongest tactics of persuasion to control someone's actions and decisions.

Mind Reading: How to use Cold Reading and Eye Patterns to read a person's mind and produce a psychic effect.

Super Strength: How to use the ancient Chinese knowledge of "Chi" to increase your strength and power.

These are the three superpowers humans can actually possess and build into superhuman proportions. People who master these abilities can live the dreams of our comic book superheroes.


I like it

Is a very interesting read I would consider giving this a look through

Chezburger The Cat


Love it I
sissy # caption

I tried mind control it worked

Love it
All awesome amazing and great

Love it

Great intro
S JBee

Great intro to important usable concepts of NLP, Chi and the Forer effect.


I love super strength.


I like it

This is awesome!

I can make people do whatever I want them to do! I feel like God!

Pocket frog LOVER!!! AhHhHh!!!

The tittle makes it sound really dumb but it's not that bad


Doe it actual work?

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