Letter & Number Reversals, for Dyslexia Icon
Download Letter & Number Reversals, for Dyslexia

Letter & Number Reversals, for Dyslexia

This full app version addresses number and letter reversals for children who are dyslexic. 'b'-'d'-'p' reversals are addressed specifically, since these reversals are the most common. There are also two activities that are customizable for other letters and numbers.
Category Price Seller Device
Education $1.99 Cheryl Orlassino iPhone, iPad, iPod


Poor programming

This game could be decent in theory…but it’s clear that the programming is REALLY poor. It’s incredibly glitchy and unusable even for adults. They added a timer off button…doesn’t work. All of the games are very difficult to respond with touch screen. This absolutely should be a free game…but I would t use it even if it was free at this point

Not a good fit.

The sound is awful and the games aren’t very engaging. My daughter was excited to try a new app but did not like it once she played it. I do like that it gives you the option to choose the letter to work on and the reversal. My daughter is 7, a younger kid might be more receptive to the games but it was just not a good fit for my family.

Sound doesn’t work

The sound doesn’t work in iPhone and the app doesn’t have any written instructions either so it is impossible to play it without sound.

Can't turn off timer

I bought this to help my son with his letter reversals. He also has a processing speed issue. This would have worked great except the timers can't be adjusted or turned off and he can't process fast enough to work that way. Instead he hates the app because all it does is frustrate him. 5 stars if you make it so the timers can be turned off at will for practice. It has potential. We need to focus on accuracy of letters - not speed.

Luv this app gale

Perfect for little ones that show signs of dyslexia or letter reversal. Can practice many common letter and number mistakes