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H Mart Asian Grocery Market

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can’t even sign in. won’t accept my card #. doesn’t work. delete this app and don’t bother.

App crash
Caleb Yu

On the weeklysale page, I chose the local store, and clicked local sales, then app just crashed

App crashes and doesn’t work
Once in a blue moon reviewer

App crashes when you go to see weekly sales for the selected store. Deleted the app and won’t install again until it’s more useful

Can't add Rewards Card

After entering my info, I get a pop-up window saying "Alert. Request timed out"

Crash city
Reezy Rokkafella

Can’t even pull up my grocery’s weekly sales.

Cool Concept but Still Buggy

I think the idea of this revamped app is great but the execution is still off. It took me the whole day to try and register my smart card, it kept saying that I timed out or it couldn’t be reached. I try and open the “local sales” but it just crashes the app every time. I have to go to the actual website to see the weekly flyer. I hope that this gets resolved soon. The old app might not have been as complex but at least I could see the flyer and use the coupons

Good but

Good but there are many places where the links aren’t working correctly and seem to be going to like a 404. The app seems limited because of this.

Crashing app

The app lets you view your card and points. But the app will crash when you try to view the local ad.

No Wallet access, formatting errors

Just downloaded the app, I only want to be able to access my card on the Apple Wallet app. Unfortunately it doesn't look like this is possible. Also some of theenu items are being cut off and not formatted correctly. Poor execution.

Buggy and almost useless
Frank JP

As mentioned in the other comment, the “local sales” functionality crashes the application every single time. It can be reproduced deteministically. I’m an applicaiton developer myself and I’m pretty sure they missed a very important part called QA (Quality Assurance). The only function I’m still using is the barcode (when I forget to bring the barcode tag with me). The barcode can’t even save to Apple Wallet! I have used iOS application from Target, Wegmans; even Stop & Shop made better application than H-Mart. Disappointing.

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